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StepNpull – Localization and Promotion

StepNpull – Localization and Promotion

The Product

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted worldwide the need to take precautionary measures regarding personal hygiene and the hygiene of public areas. This necessity has driven the creation of new solutions, which have shown the way for change on many different levels through daily life, technological advances and various innovative constructions to adapt to the new order of things, as well as to avoid repetition of specific situations.

One of these developments is StepNpull. StepNpull is an innovative tool that allows us to use the doors both in public and work areas, and in our home, without the intervention of hands, thus avoiding contact with frequent sources of infection, such as the door handle. Made of durable T6 aluminum, it gives the user the option to open the door with his foot instead of through the handle.

StepNpull is the ideal solution for all workplaces such as offices, technical centers, restaurants, hotels, as well as places where many people attend daily such as churches, universities and schools.

Certified as a medical device by the United Kingdom MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) and compliant with the ADA (American with Disabilities Act), StepNpull is installed in the workplaces of major organizations worldwide including NASA, Google, Cisco, AIG, McDonald’s, Holiday Inn, T-Mobile, Philips etc.

The project – The outcome

Consultics is the representative of StepNpull in Cyprus and the Middle East, developing the infrastructure to create awareness, sales, and implementation. Consultics created the StepNpull Cyprus and StepNpull ME websites, the social media presence, as well as the sales team and installation teams “on the ground”. The project is still in progress, with the existing supply and distribution channels in place.